Aranyani ♀
Aranyani is named after the goddess of forests and the inside living animals. This is true for sure. With its very fine senses she can see, hear and smell everything which is moving, at an incredible radius. The forest is also her favorite place and living room and even the densest undergrowth is an invitation to explore. In terms of vigilance she is therefore quite Mom's daughter.
breeding permission 08.08.2015 breeding diplom
Facts ...
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Results & Title ...
Benelux Jeugd Winner NL 2015
Benelux Winner NL 2015
Best in Show 1. Platz Jüngstenklasse Club Show
Deutscher Jugendchampion KTR
VDH Bundessieger 2015
VDH Herbstsieger 2015
Paarklasse 1.Platz 19e Dogachtigen Show
Paarklasse 2.Platz CAC Kassel
Paarklasse 3. Platz CACIB Kassel
Niederländischer Champion
Deutscher Champion KTR
Benelux Winner LU 2016
Luxembourg Champion
Alpensieger Deutshland
Skar-Mo Tibet Dog Europe 2017
KTR Klubsiegerin 2017
Zuchtgruppe 1. Platz KTR-Jubiläumsausstellung
Internationaler Champion
Zuchtgruppe 1.Platz Spezialausstellung KTD Slovakia 2022
Paarklasse 2. Platz Spezialausstellung KTD Slovakia 2022